City Commission Regular Meeting


City Hall Auditorium
200 East University Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32601
Members Present:
  • Commissioner Book, 
  • Mayor Pro Tempore Chestnut, 
  • Commissioner Duncan-Walker, 
  • Commissioner Eastman, 
  • Commissioner Saco, 
  • Mayor Ward, 
  • and Commissioner Willits 



Meeting called to order at 10:02 a.m.



Bishop Christopher Stokes, New Beginnings Worship Center




2024-697 - Appointments to the City of Gainesville's Advisory Boards and Committees, Removed Item, Explanation: Removed by the City Clerk

2024-638 Mowing and Grounds Maintenance of the City’s Rail Trail New Backup, Explanation: Requested by the City Manager


2024-727 - Appointment of Metropolitan Transportation Planning Organization (MTPO) Subcommittee Members
New Item, Explanation: Requested by the Mayor

  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Motion: The City Commission adopt the modified regular and consent agenda.

    Aye (7)Commissioner Saco, Mayor Ward, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Pro Tempore Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, Commissioner Book, and Commissioner Willits
    Approved (7 to 0)


  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Motion: The City Commission adopt the modified regular and consent agenda.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission approve the minutes from the September 5, 2024 Meetings (B)

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission authorize the City Manager or designee to enter into an Agreement with Life Soils, LLC. in an amount of $200,000 annually, for the annual processing and beneficial recycling/composting of vegetative waste through September 30, 2029, with the option to renew for one additional five year term, subject to approval by the City Attorney or designee as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission authorize the Mayor to send a letter supporting Standard Communities’s request for funding from the Alachua County Housing Finance Authority to renovate the Carver Gardens Apartments, subject to City Attorney approval as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission 1) approve the Invitation to Bid award to MKM Quality Construction, Inc. in the amount of $337,369.00 and 2) authorize the City Manager, or their designee, to execute all contract documents and other necessary documents, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission: 1) approve the ranking of the firms for the Request for Proposal Award for State Lobbyist Services; 2) award the Request for Proposals to Becker & Poliakoff, P.A. for an initial three-year contract term with two optional one-year renewals at an annual cost of $84,000; and 3) authorize the City Manager or designee to negotiate a contract with the top ranked firm, and if not successful, negotiations will be terminated and will be initiated with the second ranked proposer; and 4) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all contract documents and other necessary documents, subject to approval of the City Attorney or designee as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: That the City Commission: 1. Waive the City’s Real Estate Policy; 2. Authorize tax parcels 11610-000-000 and 11613-000-000 to revert back / be conveyed to the Black on Black Crime Task Force; and, 3. Authorize the Mayor to execute and the City Clerk to attest the Special Warranty Deed to Black on Black Crime Task Force and the City Manager, or designee, to execute all other documents subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission receive the informational list.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission: accept the recommendations of RSC Insurance Brokerage, Inc./Gehring Group and staff to 1) contract with Florida Blue for Administrative Services for an initial three (3) years with the option of two (2) one-year renewals, 2) execute an agreement with Florida Blue for Specific Stop Loss for an initial one (1) year with the option of four (4) one-year renewals; 3) extend the contract for Group Term Life with The Standard for one (1) year, 4) authorize the issuance of purchase orders in amounts sufficient to cover applicable charges for the administrative services and Stop Loss to Florida Blue and Group Term Life to The Standard; and 5) authorize the City Manager or designee to negotiate the contracts subject to the approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the “Letter of Agreement and Contract” between the Institute of Police Technology and Management and the City of Gainesville in the amount not to exceed $39,878.89 for the Gainesville Police Department to conduct overtime high visibility education and enforcement operations regarding pedestrian and bicycle safety through May 9, 2025, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission authorize Special Counsel to prepare and execute the appropriate documents for a lump-sum settlement of Pamela Bakewell’s workers’ compensation claim of $39,000.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission accept the City Auditor’s report, as approved and recommended by the Audit Committee.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission accept the City Auditor’s report, as approved and recommended by the Audit Committee.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission accept the City Auditor’s Annual Report, as approved and recommended by the Audit Committee.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission accept the presentation and take any action deemed necessary.

    Approved On Consent

Jesus Gomez, Transportation Director, introduced the item.

Deborah Leistner, Transportation Planning and Parking Manager, gave a presentation on Valet Parking Regulations.

Drishan Singh, Parking Services at the Hampton Inn, spoke to the item as to the higher cost.

Jadon Bareno, Valet Manager at Hyatt, spoke to the item related to the permanent spaces availability and having two valets available at all times.

Public Comment: Michael Warren, Amber Krout, Megan Gideon, Jadon Bareno, Donald Shepherd, Drishan Singh

Commissioner Saco proposed specifics for the motion:

1) dedicate no more than four parking spaces;

2) clarify that this is a reservation of the spaces at all times of day and night;

3) reduce the fee structure to less than 50;

4) public access is available to all;

5) include event permits; and

6) remove the mandate for two valets on the premises during hours of operation

  • Moved byCommissioner Book
    Seconded byCommissioner Duncan-Walker

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt Option 3 and direct the City Attorney’s Office to modify the proposed draft ordinance as needed and advertise it on first reading.

    Motion 1) Direct the City Attorney and the City Manager to work together to draft a revised valet permitting process within the Option 3 framework, 2) Recommend an amount of dedicated spaces considering hotel, restaurant, and other business needs, and 3) Bring back a lower fee structure.

    Aye (5)Mayor Ward, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Pro Tempore Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, and Commissioner Book
    Nay (2)Commissioner Saco, and Commissioner Willits
    Approved (5 to 2)

Joseph Dixon, Chief, Gainesville Fire Rescue, gave comments on his tenure, thanked the City Commission, and introduced Deputy Chief Hillhouse.

Joseph Hillhouse, Fire Chief Deputy, gave a presentation on the Gainesville Fire Rescue Quarterly Update.

Brandace Stone, Community Health Director, gave a presentation of the Public Education, Community Health, Community Resource Paramedicine Program, ImpactGNV interactions for this quarter.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission hear a presentation from Gainesville Fire Rescue.

  • Recess: 11:47 a.m.

12:00-1:00 PM Lunch Break



Meeting called to order at 1:00 p.m.



Ms. Donna Waller

Joshua Ney - 2024-267, Tyler Gonnsen - 2024-267, 2024-263, Sharon Bauer - 2024-267, Richard Allen - 2024-263, Dr. Shayna Rich 2024-267, 2024-677, Dr. J. Maggio - 2024-267, 2024-677, Monica Frazier 2024-267, 2024-263, Ms. Margaret Ross Tolbert 2024-267, Jim Konish - 2024-267



Patricia Lee, Jim Konish, Chuck Ross, Corey Bronson, Monica Frazier, Dr. Bobby Mermer

After discussion, Commissioner Saco, Commissioner Eastman, and Mayor Ward agreed to sit on the MTPO Subcommittee.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission discuss the appointment of MTPO subcommittee members and take action deemed necessary.


Forrest Eddleton, Director of Sustainable Development, gave an overview of the item.

Mayor Pro Tempore Chestnut made a motion referencing the following provision:

Section 30-4.31 Affordable Housing Provision of the Land Development Code

  • Affordable Housing Requirement - When multiple-family dwelling residential developments.
  • Result in 50 or more newly created residential dwelling units; and
  • Are located in the U5, U6, U7, U8, U9, and DT Zoning districts, a minimum of 10% of the total number of dwelling units must be reserved for and legally restricted to affordable housing, as defined in this chapter.

Andrew Persons, Chief Operating Officer - Governmental Operations, spoke to the item as to the review period.

Sean McDermott, Senior Assistant City Attorney, spoke to the item.

Public Comment: Kim Tanzer, Jane Burman-Holton, Corey Bronson, Mr. Casey Fitzgerald, Dr. Bobby Mermer, Alex Hood, Matthew Hurst, Melanie Barr, Donald Shepherd

Dan Nee, City Attorney, spoke to the item regarding the motion on the floor.

  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut
    Seconded byCommissioner Book

    Motion: Direct staff to amend the ordinance and adopt Ordinance 2022-677 as originally presented by staff on first reading.

  • Moved byCommissioner Willits
    Seconded byCommissioner Saco

    Recommendation: The City Commission to adopt the proposed ordinance.

    Motion: Approve as recommended on second reading.

    Aye (7)Commissioner Saco, Mayor Ward, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Pro Tempore Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, Commissioner Book, and Commissioner Willits
    Approved (7 to 0)

Mayor Pro Tempore Chestnut made a motion referencing the following provision:

Section 30-4.31 Affordable Housing Provision of the Land Development Code

  • Affordable Housing requirement - When multiple-family dwelling residential developments.
  • Result in 50 or more newly created residential dwelling units; and
  • Are located in the U5, U6, U7, U8, U9, and DT Zoning districts, a minimum of 10% of the total number of dwelling units must be reserved for and legally restricted to affordable housing, as defined in this chapter.

Public Comment: Donald Shepherd, Kim Tanzer, Jane Burman-Holton, Corey Bronson, Mr. Casey Fitzgerald, Dr. Bobby Mermer

  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut
    Seconded byCommissioner Book

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

    Motion: Direct staff to amend the ordinance and adopt Ordinance 2022-679 as originally presented by staff on first reading, but also to include the structured parking strike through, and design standards added at second reading, with the affordability period requirement terminating after 30 years, and with a review of the ordinance after 1 year.

    Aye (5)Mayor Ward, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Pro Tempore Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, and Commissioner Book
    Nay (2)Commissioner Saco, and Commissioner Willits
    Approved (5 to 2)
  • Recess: 2:53 p.m.

    Commissioner Saco left the meeting at 2:53 p.m.

Reconvened: 4:15 p.m.

Brittany McMullen, Planner IV, gave an overview of the item.

Public Comment: Melanie Barr, David Gold, Donald Shepherd, Kim Tanzer, Jane Burman-Holton, Corey Brunson, Mr. Casey Fitgerald, Chuck Ross, Dr. Bobby Mermer, Alex Hood

  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

    Motion: Continue the item to the City Commission meeting on October 3, 2024.

    Aye (6)Mayor Ward, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Pro Tempore Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, Commissioner Book, and Commissioner Willits
    Absent (1)Commissioner Saco
    Approved (6 to 0)
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

    Motion: Continue item to the City Commission meeting on October 3, 2024.

    Aye (6)Mayor Ward, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Pro Tempore Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, Commissioner Book, and Commissioner Willits
    Absent (1)Commissioner Saco
    Approved (6 to 0)



Commissioner Willits - gave comment regarding the Inclusionary Zoning; congratulated Chief Moya.

Commissioner Book - Inglewood and Sugarfoot neighbors - berm into a trail being brought to the next GPC.

Recess: 3:15 p.m.

4:30 - 5:30 PM Dinner Break



Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm



Saint Francis Catholic Academy - Jose Aponte and Sean Caraecle

Jackie Johnson, Communications and Community Initiatives Director, Alachua County Public Schools, gave a presentation for the One Mill for Schools.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission hear a presentation about the One Mill for Schools.


Sarit Sela, City Architect, Board Liaison, introduced the item.

Eric Milch, Chair, City Beautification Board, gave a presentation on the annual report.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission hear a presentation and take action deemed necessary.


Trey Asner, Bill Warriner, Anthony Ackrill, and Aymen Murrani spoke to their applications to the Historic Preservation Board.

Jay Reeves, Chair, spoke to the item.

  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byCommissioner Duncan-Walker

    Recommendation: The City Commission discuss the appointments to the Historic Preservation Board and take appropriate action.

    Motion: The City Commission approve Trey Asner, Phillip Haight, and Bill Warriner for a full-term expiring June 1, 2027, Isabella Shahriari as Student Member for a term expiring September 30, 2026.

    Aye (6)Mayor Ward, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Pro Tempore Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, Commissioner Book, and Commissioner Willits
    Absent (1)Commissioner Saco
    Approved (6 to 0)
  • The City Commission voted by ballot appointing Anthony Ackrill to fill the partial term expiring June 1, 2026.


Juan Castillo, Planner III, gave a presentation on Final Plat for Oaks Preserve Phase III & IV, a Cluster Subdivision.

  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byCommissioner Duncan-Walker

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed resolution.

    Aye (6)Mayor Ward, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Pro Tempore Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, Commissioner Book, and Commissioner Willits
    Absent (1)Commissioner Saco
    Approved (6 to 0)

Jason Simmons, Planner I, gave a presentation on the Oaks Mall Plaza LD24-000049 LUC.

Clay Sweger, EDA Director of Planning, Applicant, gave a presentation on the Oaks Mall Plaza LD24-000049 LUC.

Forrest Eddleton, Director of Sustainable Development, spoke to the item regarding parking.

Public Comment: Donald Shepherd

  • Moved byCommissioner Willits
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

    Motion: Approve as recommended on adoption reading.

    Aye (6)Mayor Ward, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Pro Tempore Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, Commissioner Book, and Commissioner Willits
    Absent (1)Commissioner Saco
    Approved (6 to 0)



Mayor Ward - Will send a letter to GRU Authority to clarify the process of communication between the boards.

Commissioner Willits - Think creatively about ways where the city could fit in more parking spaces downtown.

Andrew Persons, Chief Operating Officer, spoke regarding the topic of parking.



Meeting adjourned at 7:07 p.m.

No Item Selected