Daniel Nee, City Attorney, gave an overview of a Formal Quasi-Judicial Hearing.
The status of the affected parties was determined.
The City Commission disclosed any inadvertent ex-parte communication. All affected party emails sent to the City Commission are attached to the agenda and minutes as backup, including the email response from Commissioner Willits.
Kristen Bryant, City Clerk, swore in Nick Alford.
Phimetto Lewis, Planner III, gave a presentation on Quasi-Judicial - Blues Creek Unit 5 Design Plat SUB23-000027.
Kristen Bryant, City Clerk, swore in staff and petitioners.
Stephanie Sutton, Director of Operations EDA, gave a presentation for the petitioner.
Kristen Bryant, City Clerk, swore in Stacey Cricchio and Gouri Kumar.
Affected Party Presentations: Nick Alford, Stacey Cricchio, Gouri Kumar
Sergio Rayes, President EDA, gave the rebuttal for the petitioner.
Staff and petitioner waived closing remarks.
Affected Party Closing Remarks: Stacey Cricchio, Gouri Kumar, Nick Alford
The City Commission deliberated.
Andrew Persons, Chief Operating Officer - Government Operations, spoke to the item regarding amenities that are not part of this hearing, and also stormwater standards that have become stricter since the original plan.
Sergio Rayes, President EDA, spoke about the number of parking spaces for the project.
Daniel Nee, City Attorney, went over the criteria for the determination if the requirements have been met and what the conclusion options are.