City of Gainesville
City Commission Regular Meeting

City Hall Auditorium
200 East University Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32601


Commission Members

Mayor Harvey L. Ward, Jr.

Mayor Pro Tempore Desmon Duncan-Walker (District 1)

Reina Saco (At Large, Seat A)

Cynthia Moore Chestnut (At Large, Seat B)

Ed Book (District 2)

Casey Willits (District 3)

Bryan Eastman (District 4)


The City Commission makes policy and conducts City business in an open forum. For information on how to attend the meeting and submit public comment, visit the City Agendas & Meetings website

Neighbors are welcome to attend meetings in person. Seating capacity may be limited. Fill out a comment card and give it to the meeting clerk to request to speak. Speakers will be called to share their comments in the order of sign-up.


The City Hall Auditorium and Roberta Lisle Kline Conference Room are equipped with hearing loop assistive listening systems. When using your own hearing aid, you must switch your device to Telecoil or “T” mode. If your hearing aid does not have a Telecoil mode, broadcast staff can provide a headset.


If you have a disability and need accommodation in order to participate in this meeting, please contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion at (352) 334-5051 at least two business days in advance. TTY (Text Telephone Telecommunication Device) users please call 711 (Florida Relay Service). For Speech to Speech (STS) relay, please call 1-877-955-5334. For STS Spanish relay, please call 1-877-955-8773.  For STS French Creole relay, please call 1-877-955-8707.



Agenda Statement: The City of Gainesville encourages civil public speech. The Gainesville City Commission expects each person entering this chamber to treat others with respect and courtesy. Speakers are expected to focus on agenda items under discussion and avoid personal attacks or offensive comments. Threatening language is not allowed. Anyone who repeatedly disrupts the proceedings will be asked to leave. Signs, props, posters, food, and drink should be left outside the auditorium.




Dr. Saeed Khan



Includes Consent and Regular Agenda Items




Department: Office of the City Clerk

Fiscal Note: This item does not have a fiscal impact.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission accept the resignation of Craig Carter, effective immediately.

Department: Public Works

Description: Request for the City Commission to approve a Task Assignment with TSI Disaster Recovery for the restoration of the Florida Park berm that was damaged during Hurricane Irma in 2017.

Fiscal Note: Funding totaling $950,000 for the project is allocated in the Stormwater Management Utility Fund.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission authorize the City Manager, or their designee, to enter into a Task Assignment with TSI Disaster Recovery, LLC, in the amount of $950,000 for the Florida Park Berm project, subject to the approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

Department: Risk Management

Description: Request for the City Commission to approve continuation of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., D/B/A Florida Blue Administrative Services and Stop Loss Contracts for one (1) additional year through December 31, 2024.

Fiscal Note: Funds have been budgeted in the Employee Health and Accident (EHAB) Fund and the Retiree Health & Accident Fund to cover these expenditures.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission: 1) authorize continuing the Administrative Services and Stop Loss Contracts between the City of Gainesville and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Florida, Inc., D/B/A Florida Blue for one (1) additional year; and 2) authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute the contract extension subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.

Department: Transportation

Description: Request for the City Commission to approve the recommended award to the top ranked firm, AssetWorks, Inc., for Maintenance Management System for Transit for Regional Transit System (RTS), which will assist the City in replacing the current legacy maintenance management system, Fleetnet, which will sunset in June 2024.

Fiscal Note: This project’s implementation and first year costs of $286,640.00 are funded by a Federal Transit Administration grant. The remaining four years, costing $47,544.00 annually, will be funded by the Regional Transit System operating budget in each respective fiscal year. The five-year project cost is $476,816.00.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission: 1) approve the Request for Proposal for Maintenance Management System rankings, 2) award the Request for Proposal to AssetWorks, Inc. for an amount of $286,640 for the next five years, and 3) authorize the City Manager or designee to negotiate and execute a contract with the top ranked firm, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

Department: Transportation

Description: Request for the City Commission to approve a Third Amendment to the Master Services Agreement with the University of Florida Board of Trustees and the City of Gainesville Regional Transit System.

Fiscal Note: Based on current service levels, it is estimated that the Regional Transit System will receive approximately $12 million in revenue for services provided from the University of Florida Master Services Agreement.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the Third Amendment to the Master Services Agreement with the University of Florida Board of Trustees and the City of Gainesville for Regional Transit System, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

Department: Human Resources Department

Description: This item is to ratify a three-year successor agreement between the City and the IAFF – District Chiefs Unit.

Fiscal Note: The FY24 cost of approximately $34,104 is budgeted and available in the General Fund. The cost associated with FY25 and FY26 raises is approximately $45,471 and $46,781, respectively.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission ratify the Agreement between the IAFF, Local 2157, District Chiefs Bargaining Unit and the City of Gainesville, extending the Agreement through September 30, 2026.

Members of the public who are unable to wait for their agenda item(s) to be called during the meeting may speak during Early Public Comment. Comment is limited to three (3) minutes on one agenda item or five (5) minutes on two or more agenda items. Speaking during Early Public Comment waives the right to comment on later agenda items.


Department: Housing and Community Development

Description: Quarterly Housing Update from Housing and Community Development staff regarding various aspects of the Department of Housing & Community Development and the Gainesville Community Reinvestment Area housing initiatives.

Fiscal Note: Funding for these initiatives has been allocated through various funding sources including the Community Development Block Grant Program, the HOME Investment Partnership Program, the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program, the American Rescue Plan Act, HOME American Rescue Plan Act, ConnectFree Program and Gainesville Community Reinvestment Area (GCRA).

  • Recommendation: The City Commission hear the Quarterly Housing Update presentation from the Department of Housing & Community Development.

Department: Gainesville Police Department

Description: Quarterly update to the City Commission on community engagement, events, data, and statistics of the Gainesville Police Department for the July 1, 2023 through September 30, 2023 (4th Quarter of FY23).

Fiscal Note: N/A.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission receive the GPD quarterly update.

Unless mandated by statute to occur in the evening; may include Advocacy Resolutions and Binding Resolutions.


12:00-1:00 PM Lunch Break





Ms. Vivian Filer

Members of the public who are unable to wait for their agenda item(s) to be called during the meeting may speak during Early Public Comment. Comment is limited to three (3) minutes on one agenda item or five (5) minutes on two or more agenda items. Speaking during Early Public Comment waives the right to comment on later agenda items.




Members of the public may speak for up to three (3) minutes per meeting on any item not on the agenda. General Public Comment may be submitted in advance by pre-recorded voice message only. The General Public Comment period shall not exceed 30 minutes total.


Department: Public Works

Description: Request for the City Commission to adopt a resolution to enter into a Hazard Mitigation Grant Agreement with the Florida Division of Emergency Management for the Mason Manor buyout.

Fiscal Note: The preliminary budget for the Phase II Grant is $322,928.68, with a federal share of $242,196.51 and a local match of $80,732.17. The local match is available in the Stormwater Management Utility Fund.

  • Recommendation: 1) City Commission adopt the proposed Resolution and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all agreements, and any other necessary documents, on or behalf of the City, with the Florida Division of Emergency Management for the Mason Manor buyout, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

Department: City Attorney

Description: Ordinance No. 2023-278: An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, annexing approximately 2.296 acres of privately-owned property generally located on the northwest corner of the intersection of SW 13th Street and SW Williston Road, as more specifically described in this ordinance, as petitioned for by the property owner(s) pursuant to Chapter 171, Florida Statutes; making certain findings; providing for inclusion of the property in Appendix I of the City Charter; providing for land use plan, zoning, and subdivision regulations, and enforcement of same; providing for persons engaged in any occupation, business, trade, or profession; providing directions to the City Clerk; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an immediate effective date.

Fiscal Note: N/A

  • Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.





If later than 10:00 pm, the Commission may waive the rules to extend the meeting or may schedule a date/time to continue the meeting.

No Item Selected