Recommendation: The City Commission: 1) decrease the budget of Administrative - General Consultant - GSG project from $1,215,330 to $999,888 and move the remaining funding of $215,442 to the Core ARPA unallocated budget line currently budgeted at $32,109.29; 2) decrease the budget of the completed Cultural Arts Center Feasibility Study project from $197,287.50 to $123,254.07 and move the remaining funding of $74,033.43 to the ARPA Revenue Replacement unallocated budget line currently budgeted at $32,109.29; 3) de-obligate funding for the Oakview Apartments Phase II project totaling $1,785,000.00 comprised of $1,080,094.27 in the ARPA Revenue Replacement category and $704,905.73 in the Core ARPA category and move the funding to the unallocated budget line for each category; and 4) allocate $1,186,236.99 to a new project titled Government Services Set-Aside for FY25 in the Revenue Replacement category.