City of GainesvilleGeneral Policy Committee MeetingAGENDAThursday, October 13, 2022 at 1:00 P.m. - 2:00 P.m.City Hall, Room 16200 East University AveGainesville, FL 32601 Commission Members Mayor Lauren PoeMayor Pro-Tem Reina Saco (At Large, Seat A)Cynthia Moore Chestnut (At Large, Seat B)Desmon Duncan-Walker (District 1)Harvey Ward (District 2)David Arreola (District 3)Adrian Hayes-Santos (District 4) The City Commission makes policy and conducts City business in an open forum. For information on how to attend the meeting and submit public comment, visit the City Agendas & Meetings website. Neighbors are welcome to attend meetings in person. Seating capacity may be limited. Fill out acomment card and give it to the meeting clerk to request to speak. Speakers will be called to sharetheir comments in the order of sign-up. The City Hall Auditorium and Roberta Lisle Kline Conference Room are equipped with hearing loopassistive listening systems. When using your own hearing aid, you must switch your device to Telecoilor “T” mode. If your hearing aid does not have a Telecoil mode, broadcast staff can provide aheadset. If you have a disability and need an accommodation in order to participate in this meeting, pleasecontact the Office of Equity and Inclusion at (352) 334-5051 at least two business days in advance.TTY (Text Telephone Telecommunication Device) users please call 711 (Florida Relay Service). ForSpeech to Speech (STS) relay, please call 1-877-955-5334. For STS Spanish relay, please call 1-877-955-8773. For STS French Creole relay, please call 1-877-955-8707. A.CALL TO ORDER Public Comments: Agenda Statement: The City of Gainesville encourages civil public speech. Disruptive behavior is not permitted during City Commission meetings. Please do not bring food, drinks, props, signs, posters, or similar materials into the Auditorium. B.ROLL CALL Public Comments: C.ADOPTION OF THE AGENDA Public Comments: D.APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES Public Comments: E.BUSINESS DISCUSSION ITEMS Public Comments: E.1Proposed Fair Chance Hiring Addition to Chapter 14.5 titled "Miscellaneous Business Regulations" of the City Code of Ordinances, adding Article IX "Fair Chance Hiring" 2022-617 (B) Attachments | Public Comments1.Fair Chance Hiring (B) - 2022-617.pdf2.2022-617_Fair Chance Hiring Buisness Leaders Roundable Feedback_20221013.pdf3.201092_27 Local Organizations in Support of Fair Chance Hiring Policy_20220224.pdf4.201092_Current Hiring Process Versus Proposed Fair Chance Hiring Process_20220224.pdf5.201092_Everyone Needs a Fair Chance at Employment_20220224.pdf6.201092_Fair Chance Hiring Report_20210513.pdf7.201092_Past - Fair Chance Hiring Presentation for GPC - May 2021_20220224.pdf8.201092A_draft ordinance for Fair Chance Hiring_20220224.pdf9.201092B_EEOC Guidance re Background Checks - EEOC and FTC_20220224.pdf10.Fair Chance Hiring Ordinance - Post 2.28.22 2022-617.pdfRecommendation:The General Policy Committee decide whether to move forward with a Fair Chance Hiring Ordinance. Decide what/if any revisions to the draft ordinance need to be made.E.2Providing No-Cost Sanitary Products in Municipal Bathrooms 2022-579 (B) Attachments | Public Comments1.Providing No-Cost Sanitary Products in Municipal Bathrooms - 2022-579.pdf2.Providing No-Cost Sanitary Products Report 2022-579.pdf3.Providing No-Cost Sanitary Products Presentation 2022-579.pdf4.Comm Saco - City Hall Period Presentation 2022-579.pdfThis policy research request explores considering an ordinance or policy within the City of Gainesville that would require the provision of free sanitary products within all municipal bathrooms, with the potential scalability to all public buildings including public schools or other county or state-owned facilities.Recommendation:The General Policy Committee hear a presentation from staff and discuss. E.3Affordable Housing Work Plan and Inclusionary Zoning Update 2022-625 (B) Attachments | Public Comments1.Affordable Housing Work Plan Update - 2022- (B) - 2022-625.pdf2.2022_625_A_Affordable Housing Work Plan Update Final_2_13102022.pdf3.2022_625_B_Inclusionary Zone memo_13102022.pdf4.2022_625_C_Inclusionary Zone Text Amendment Proposal_13102022.pdf5.Comm Hayes-Santos sample-developments-of-100-dwelling-units-per-acre 2022-625.pdf6.Comm. Hayes-Santos Inclusionary Zoning Spreadsheet 2022-625.pdf7.Comm. Hayes-Santos Inclusionary Zoning Proposed Changes 2022-625.pdfThis item is an update to the City Commission regarding various aspects of the Affordable Housing Work Plan presented to the City commission on July 28, 2022.Recommendation:The General Policy Committee review and provide feedback as necessary regarding the Affordable Housing Work Plan updateE.4Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry Contract Update 2022-645 (NB) Attachments | Public Comments1.Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry Contract Update (NB) - 2022-645 - 2022-645.pdfThe City Manager’s Office will provide an update on the funding and contract status for the Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry.Recommendation:The General Policy Committee hear an update on the status of the subrecipient agreements and funding distribution. F.PUBLIC COMMENT Public Comments: G.MEMBER COMMENT Public Comments: H.NEXT MEETING DATE Public Comments: I.ADJOURNMENT Public Comments: No Item Selected Attachments (0) | Public Comments (0)This item has no attachments1.Providing No-Cost Sanitary Products in Municipal Bathrooms - 2022-579.pdf2.Providing No-Cost Sanitary Products Report 2022-579.pdf3.Providing No-Cost Sanitary Products Presentation 2022-579.pdf4.Comm Saco - City Hall Period Presentation 2022-579.pdf1.Affordable Housing Work Plan Update - 2022- (B) - 2022-625.pdf2.2022_625_A_Affordable Housing Work Plan Update Final_2_13102022.pdf3.2022_625_B_Inclusionary Zone memo_13102022.pdf4.2022_625_C_Inclusionary Zone Text Amendment Proposal_13102022.pdf5.Comm Hayes-Santos sample-developments-of-100-dwelling-units-per-acre 2022-625.pdf6.Comm. Hayes-Santos Inclusionary Zoning Spreadsheet 2022-625.pdf7.Comm. Hayes-Santos Inclusionary Zoning Proposed Changes 2022-625.pdf1.Alachua County Coalition for the Homeless and Hungry Contract Update (NB) - 2022-645 - 2022-645.pdf1.Fair Chance Hiring (B) - 2022-617.pdf2.2022-617_Fair Chance Hiring Buisness Leaders Roundable Feedback_20221013.pdf3.201092_27 Local Organizations in Support of Fair Chance Hiring Policy_20220224.pdf4.201092_Current Hiring Process Versus Proposed Fair Chance Hiring Process_20220224.pdf5.201092_Everyone Needs a Fair Chance at Employment_20220224.pdf6.201092_Fair Chance Hiring Report_20210513.pdf7.201092_Past - Fair Chance Hiring Presentation for GPC - May 2021_20220224.pdf8.201092A_draft ordinance for Fair Chance Hiring_20220224.pdf9.201092B_EEOC Guidance re Background Checks - EEOC and FTC_20220224.pdf10.Fair Chance Hiring Ordinance - Post 2.28.22 2022-617.pdfThis item has no public comment