City of Gainesville
City Commission Regular Meeting

City Hall Auditorium
200 East University Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32601


Commission Members

Mayor Harvey L. Ward, Jr.

Mayor Pro Tempore Desmon Duncan-Walker (District 1)

Reina Saco (At Large, Seat A)

Cynthia Moore Chestnut (At Large, Seat B)

Ed Book (District 2)

Casey Willits (District 3)

Bryan Eastman (District 4)


The City Commission makes policy and conducts City business in an open forum. For information on how to attend the meeting and submit public comment, visit the City Agendas & Meetings website

Neighbors are welcome to attend meetings in person. Seating capacity may be limited. Fill out a comment card and give it to the meeting clerk to request to speak. Speakers will be called to share their comments in the order of sign-up.


The City Hall Auditorium and Roberta Lisle Kline Conference Room are equipped with hearing loop assistive listening systems. When using your own hearing aid, you must switch your device to Telecoil or “T” mode. If your hearing aid does not have a Telecoil mode, broadcast staff can provide a headset.


If you have a disability and need accommodation in order to participate in this meeting, please contact the Office of Equity and Inclusion at (352) 334-5051 at least two business days in advance. TTY (Text Telephone Telecommunication Device) users please call 711 (Florida Relay Service). For Speech to Speech (STS) relay, please call 1-877-955-5334. For STS Spanish relay, please call 1-877-955-8773.  For STS French Creole relay, please call 1-877-955-8707.



Agenda Statement: The City of Gainesville encourages civil public speech. The Gainesville City Commission expects each person entering this chamber to treat others with respect and courtesy. Speakers are expected to focus on agenda items under discussion and avoid personal attacks or offensive comments. Threatening language is not allowed. Anyone who repeatedly disrupts the proceedings will be asked to leave. Signs, props, posters, food and drink should be left outside the auditorium.



Reverend Catherine Dearlove, Trinity Metropolitan Community Church of Gainesville



Includes Consent and Regular Agenda Items

  • Motion: The City Commission adopt the modified agenda.



Department: Financial Services

Description: Requesting City Commission approval for a five-year extension to the City’s 2017 Banking Services Agreement with Truist Bank for the period of October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2027.

Fiscal Note: Annual Banking Services fees of approximately $45,000 for the City are included in annual City budgets.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission: 1) approve the five-year extension of the City’s 2017 Banking Services Agreement with Truist Bank for the period of October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2027; and 2) authorize the City Manager to execute all related documents, including contract amendments and extensions, subject to approval of the City Attorney as to form and legality.

Department: Office of the City Clerk

Fiscal Note: This item has no fiscal impact.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission approve a joint workshop with the Children’s Trust of Alachua County on September 12, 2023 at 4:00 pm.

Department: Gainesville Police Department

Description: Requesting approval from the City Commission to apply for the 2023 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program for equipment totaling $91,061.00.

Fiscal Note: The grant application amount is $91,061.00. The 2023 Edward Byrne Justice Assistance Grant does not have a local match requirement.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission 1) approve the grant application amount of $91,061.00 for equipment at the Gainesville Police Department and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to apply for, accept, and execute the grant application and any other necessary documents, subject to review by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

Members of the public who are unable to wait for their agenda item(s) to be called during the meeting may speak during Early Public Comment. Comment is limited to three (3) minutes on one agenda item or five (5) minutes on two or more agenda items. Speaking during Early Public Comment waives the right to comment during later agenda items.

Department: Transportation

Description: Request for City Commission authorization to accept a grant award by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) for funding of the University Avenue Complete Streets project.

Fiscal Note: The $8 million grant requires a $2 million local match which is available from Campus Development Agreement and Gainesville Community Redevelopment Agency funds.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission: 1) authorize the City Manager to accept the FHWA Safe Streets and Roads for All grant award; 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all necessary contract documents, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality; and 3) authorize approval of related appropriations, procurement and expenditures, to include design, land acquisition, construction, and any other associated activities required for the completion of the project in the grant.

Department: Gainesville Police Department

Description: Quarterly update to the City Commission on community engagement, events, data, and statistics of the Gainesville Police Department.

Fiscal Note: There is no fiscal impact to this item

  • Recommendation: The City Commission hear the GPD quarterly update.

(Unless mandated by statute to occur in the evening; may include Advocacy Resolutions and Binding Resolutions)

Department: Transportation

Description: Requesting the City Commission adopt a Resolution allowing for the reimbursement by the Florida Department of Transportation for expenses related to maintenance of traffic signals and Intelligent Transportation System devices performed by the City along state roads.

Fiscal Note: The Florida Department of Transportation compensates the City annually for Traffic Signal Maintenance. The amount to be reimbursed by the State for Fiscal Year 2024 is $900,962.00. Last State Fiscal Year 2023, the reimbursement amount was $794,093.00. The increase is due to higher reimbursement rates, additional Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) devices, and new locations of Traffic Signals along State Roads.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the Resolution for the Traffic Signal Maintenance and Compensation Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation and authorize the City Manager to execute all necessary documents, subject to review and approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

12:00-1:00 PM Lunch Break





Ms. Vivian Filer

Members of the public who are unable to wait for their agenda item(s) to be called during the meeting may speak during Early Public Comment. Comment is limited to three (3) minutes on one agenda item or five (5) minutes on two or more agenda items. Speaking during Early Public Comment waives the right to comment during later agenda items.



Members of the public may speak for up to three (3) minutes per meeting on any item not on the agenda. General Public Comment may be submitted in advance by pre-recorded voice message only (see page 2 for details). The General Public Comment period shall not exceed 30 minutes total.

Department: Office of the City Attorney

Description: Ordinance No. 2023-622

An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending Sections 4-1 and 4-4 of the City Code of Ordinances relating to the sale, dispensing, possession and consumption of alcohol; amending Section 18-20 of the City Code of Ordinances relating to the dispensing, sale, possession and consumption of alcohol in parks; and amending Section 2-339 of the City Code of Ordinances relating to civil citation for the possession or consumption of an open container of an alcoholic beverage; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.

Fiscal Note: None.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

Department: City Attorney

Description: Ordinance No. 2023-528: An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending Section 30-4.17 and Section 30-10.3 of the Land Development Code (Chapter 30 of the City of Gainesville Code of Ordinances) regarding dimensional standards in the Residential Single-Family 4 (RSF-4) zoning district and requirements for nonconforming lots; providing directions to the codifier; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.

Fiscal Note: N/A

  • Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.


4:30 - 5:30 PM Dinner Break





Members of the public who are unable to wait for their agenda item(s) to be called during the meeting may speak during Early Public Comment. Comment is limited to three (3) minutes on one agenda item or five (5) minutes on two or more agenda items. Speaking during Early Public Comment waives the right to comment during later agenda items.



 (Required by state law to be heard at 5:00 pm or later)

Department: City Attorney

Description: Ordinance No. 2023-275: An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Zoning Map Atlas pertaining to approximately 36.7 acres of property referred to as Blues Creek Unit 5, Phase 2 located at the 7000-8000 block of NW 57th Drive, as more specifically described in this ordinance, by rezoning a certain portion of the property from Planned Development (PD) to Conservation (CON) and by amending development conditions for the existing Planned Development (PD) portion of the property; providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.

Fiscal Note: N/A

  • Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

Department: City Attorney

Description: Ordinance No. 2023-408: An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending the Zoning Map Atlas by rezoning approximately 5.78 acres of property generally located at 3302 NW 39th Avenue, as more specifically described in this ordinance, from Residential Single-Family (RSF-4) to Planned Development (PD); providing land development regulations; providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.

Fiscal Note: N/A

  • Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

Ordinance No. 2022-678: An ordinance of the City of Gainesville, Florida, amending zoning conditions and the PD Layout Plan regulating the Planned Development known as Alachua County Court Services generally located in the vicinity of 220 South Main Street, 376 South Main Street, and 118 SW 4th Avenue, as more specifically described in this ordinance; providing directions to the City Manager; providing a severability clause; providing a repealing clause; and providing an effective date.

  • Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.



Department: Office of the City Commission

Description: The City Commission discuss continuing the city's membership in the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council.

Fiscal Note: The City of Gainesville membership to the North Central Florida Regional Planning Council for the period of October 1, 2022 to September 30, 2023 is $42,967.00.  The upcoming renewal is $46,500.00

  • Recommendation: The City Commission discuss and take action deemed necessary.



If later than 10:00 pm, the Commission may waive the rules to extend the meeting or may schedule a date/time to continue the meeting.

No Item Selected