City Commission Regular Meeting


City Hall Auditorium
200 East University Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32601
Members Present:
  • Mayor Poe, 
  • Commissioner Duncan-Walker, 
  • Commissioner Arreola, 
  • Commissioner Hayes-Santos, 
  • and Commissioner Chestnut
Members Absent:
  • Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
  • and Commissioner Saco







Public Comment: Tana Silva, Nathan Skop, Jo Beaty, Debbie Martinez, Kali Blount, Armando Grundy-Gomes

  • Moved byCommissioner Duncan-Walker

    Motion: Adopt and continue L1 to January 5, 2023. Died for a lack of a second.

    Aye (1)Commissioner Duncan-Walker
    Nay (4)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Failed (1 to 4)
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Motion: Adopt as modified.

    Aye (4)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Nay (1)Commissioner Duncan-Walker
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (4 to 1)


  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Motion: The City Commission adopt the Consent Agenda.

    Aye (4)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Nay (1)Commissioner Duncan-Walker
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved On Consent (4 to 1)
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission approve the Fifth Amendment to the Amended and Restated Agreement between the City and GFL for the collection of solid waste, recyclable material, and yard trash at a cost not to exceed $6,000,000 and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the appropriate contract documents, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent (5 to 0)
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the purchase order not to exceed $523,152.50 to Municipal Emergency Services for self-contained breathing apparatus.

    Approved On Consent (5 to 0)
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission: 1) review and adopt the City of Gainesville Regional Transit System (RTS) 2023 Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (PTASP); and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to sign the PTASP Annual Safety Certification and Adoption.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission: 1) Award the RFP to Vetted Security Solutions in the amount of $131,564.41; 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute all contract documents and other necessary documents for the construction of the project, subject to the approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission: 1) receive the petitions for annexation and make findings that it contains the signature of the property owners or authorized agents; 2) authorize the Mayor to provide notice to the Board of County Commissioners; 3) direct the City Manager to analyze the area; and 4) authorize the City Attorney to prepare and the City Clerk to advertise ordinances relating to the annexation of the area, if appropriate.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission 1) approve the purchase of Workday training credits via a Method of Sole Source Selection totaling $155,000 and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the agreement subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission: 1) Approve the Contract for Administrative Services and Stop Loss Insurance renewal with Florida Blue; 2) Authorize the purchase order in an amount sufficient to pay the per contract fees and stop loss insurance premiums consistent with the per contract fees and rates; 3) Authorize the Interim City Manager or designee to sign all contracts with Florida Blue subject to review by the City Attorney as to form and legality.  

    Approved On Consent (4 to 1)
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission 1) approve the terms of the negotiated settlement agreement; and 2) authorize the City Attorney to settle the claim of Jevon Gumbs, arising from an accident that occurred on or about June 26, 2021.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission authorize the City Attorney to draft and the City Clerk to advertise an ordinance revising chapter 27 of the Code of Ordinances.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission accepts the resignation of Jackie Davis, effective immediately.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission appoint: 1) Fraliegh Krause as a student member to the Citizen’s Advisory Committee for Community Development for a partial term ending 9/30/2023; 2) April O’Neal to the City Beautification Board for a full term ending 11/1/2025; 3) Tiffany Lang to the Gainesville Art in Public Places Trust to a partial term ending 9/30/2023; 4) Sherwin Henry to Gainesville Community Reinvestment Area Advisory Board for a full term ending 10/3/2024; 5) Marilyn Prado and Jonathan Stephens to the Nature Centers Commission for full terms ending 11/1/2025; 6) Aaron Kelly and Frances Williams to the Police Advisory Council for partial terms ending 1/21/2023 and 1/21/2024 respectively; 7) Daniel Jacobs to the Public Recreation and Parks Board for a full term ending 6/1/2024; and 8) Oscar Santiago Perez to the Regional Transit Authority for a partial term ending 9/30/2024.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission 1) approve the submittal of the HOME-ARP Allocation Plan to HUD for review and expected approval; and 2) authorize the City Manager, or designee, to execute all required and related documents.

    Approved On Consent (5 to 0)
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission 1) Award the RFQ to the top ranked firm Theatrical Concepts, LLC, and 2) Authorize the City Manager or their designee to execute the agreement, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission approve January 23, April 17, August 28, and December 4, 2023 Joint City/County meetings.

    Approved On Consent (5 to 0)

Nathan Skop, Armando Grundy-Gomes, Kali Blount, Tamara Robbins, Wilbur Hollway.



Tana Silva, Nathan Skop, Jo Beaty, Debbie Martinez, LaDonna Carlisle, Tamara Robbins

Morgan Spicer, Interim Policy Oversight Administrator gave a presentation.

Cynthia Curry, Interim City Manager, spoke to the item.

Zeriah Folston, Interim Equity and Inclusion Director spoke to the item.

Public Comment: Tana Silva, Debbie Martinez, Jo Beaty, Ethan Maia de Needell, Veronica Robleto, Saeed Khan

  • Moved byCommissioner Arreola
    Seconded byCommissioner Hayes-Santos

    Recommendation: The City Commission hear a presentation from staff and discuss.

    Motion: Refer report to staff and bring back GINI update in six months; update on coordination efforts with University of Florida and Sante Fe College.

    Aye (5)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (5 to 0)

Andrew Persons, Advisor to Charter Officer gave a presentation.

Sarit Sela, City Architect gave a presentation.

Erik Bredfeldt, Director of Economic Development and Innovation gave a presentation.

Mayor Poe designated Commissioner Hayes-Santos as Temporary Chair, if he needs to step away from the dais.

Public Comment: Tana Silva, Jo Beaty, Sura Puyena, Robert Mounts

  • Moved byCommissioner Chestnut
    Seconded byCommissioner Duncan-Walker

    Recommendation: The City Commission: The City Commission: 1) hear a presentation; 2) direct staff to identify $20,000 of funding for further development of recommendations concerning the Downtown Management Organization legal and funding structure and a suite of enhanced services; 3) direct staff to identify initial seed funding for a future Downtown Management Organization in the amount of $50,000 for initial implementation costs; and: 4) direct staff to present the Downtown Gainesville Strategic Plan and Downtown Management Organization implementation concept emphasizing “clean and safe” as the first organization priority to partners for equal levels of seed funding.

    Motion: Approved as Recommended.

    Aye (5)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (5 to 0)

Andrew Persons, Advisor to Charter Officer spoke to the item. 

Public Comment: Dotty Faibisy, Tana Silva, Sara Puyana, Robert Mounts, Michael Hill

  • Motion: 1) Reopen NW 2nd Street; 2) Approve staff recommendation; and 3) Ask staff to look at broader Sweetwater Park expansion (Depot Avenue to Duck Pond) and bring back a recommendation.

  • Amendment:
    Moved byCommissioner Chestnut
    Seconded byCommissioner Duncan-Walker

    Motion: Reopen NE 2nd Street.

    Aye (4)Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Nay (1)Commissioner Hayes-Santos
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (4 to 1)
  • Amendment:
    Moved byCommissioner Chestnut
    Seconded byCommissioner Duncan-Walker

    Recommendation: The City Commission: The City Commission: 1) hear a presentation; 2) direct staff to identify funding in the amount of $200,000 to implement the steps outlined in the agenda item; 3) direct staff to present the Downtown Gainesville Strategic Plan and identified recommendations/concepts to enhance the Sweetwater Park, the Streatery and Festival Street to community partners.

    Motion: Adopt staff recommendation.

    Aye (5)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (5 to 0)
  • Amendment:
    Moved byCommissioner Chestnut
    Seconded byCommissioner Duncan-Walker

    Motion: Ask staff to look at broader Sweetwater Park expansion (Depot Avenue to Duck Pond) and bring back a recommendation.

    Aye (5)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (5 to 0)

Morgan Spicer, Interim Policy Oversight Administrator spoke to the item.

Kathryn Escobar, Fellow gave a presentation.

Public Comment: Tana Silva

  • Moved byCommissioner Arreola
    Seconded byCommissioner Hayes-Santos

    Recommendation: The City Commission hear a presentation from staff and discuss.

    Motion: 1) Refer to staff and return in six months with recommendations for Economic Development strategies to the General Policy Committee; and 2) Bring to the new City Commission earlier to get their input as well. 

    Aye (5)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (5 to 0)

Anthony Cunningham, Interim GRU General Manager introduced.

Eric Walters, Chief Sustainability Officer gave a presentation.

Jamie Verschage, Utility Project and Team Leader gave a presentation.

Public Comment: Jo Beaty, Tana Silva, Debbie Martinez. 

  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Chestnut
    Recommendation: Authorize the General Manager or his designee to execute a professional service agreement for Community Engagement Consulting Services Subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality for an amount not to exceed $248,100 plus travel and reimbursable expenses.

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.
    Aye (5)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (5 to 0)

Andrew Persons, Advisor to Charter Officer spoke to the item. 

Public Comment: Jo Beaty, Tana Silva, Debbie Martinez

  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission consider the request and take any action it deems appropriate.

    Motion: Waive the rules and allow applicant to reapply. 

    Aye (3)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, and Mayor Poe
    Nay (2)Commissioner Duncan-Walker, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (3 to 2)

Erik Bredfeldt, Director of Economic Development and Innovation gave a presentation.

Public Comment: Jo Beaty, Tana Silva, Debbie Martinez.

  • Moved byCommissioner Arreola
    Seconded byCommissioner Hayes-Santos

    Recommendation: The City Commission: 1) adopt the Resolution declaring an approximate 6 acre portion of Tax Parcel #08189-000-000 as Surplus Property Not Designated for Affordable Housing; and, 2) direct the City Manager or designee to dispose of the property in a competitive manner. 

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.

    Aye (5)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (5 to 0)
  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission 1) adopt a Resolution required in support of the Regional Transit System (RTS) application for a Florida Department of Transportation 49 U.S. Code Chapter 53, Section 5310 grant for “Free Fare for Seniors,” and for capital assistance to purchase a replacement van; 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute related Public Transportation Grant Agreement(s) with the Florida Department of Transportation, subject to approval as to form and legality by the City Attorney.

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.

    Aye (5)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (5 to 0)

Andrew Persons, Advisor to Charter Officer spoke to the item.

Cynthia Curry, Interim City Manager spoke to the item.

Public Comment: Jo Beaty

  • Moved byCommissioner Arreola
    Seconded byCommissioner Chestnut

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the Resolution, which adopts the Alachua County/City of Gainesville Program for Public Information.

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.

    Aye (4)Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (3)Commissioner Saco, Commissioner Hayes-Santos, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (4 to 0)
  • Moved byCommissioner Arreola
    Seconded byCommissioner Hayes-Santos

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed resolution.

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.

    Aye (5)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (5 to 0)

Public Comment: Jo Beaty, Debbie Martinez, Tana Silva, Jenn Powell, Tyler Forest

  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.

    Aye (4)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Nay (1)Commissioner Duncan-Walker
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (4 to 1)


4:30 - 5:30 PM Dinner Break






  • Director of Unspoken Treasure Society Regina Livingston, Director of PEP Marvene Edwards, and LTAI CHW of Let’s Talk About It, Natalie Davis Douglas to accept the proclamation.



  • Moved byCommissioner Hayes-Santos
    Seconded byCommissioner Arreola

    Recommendation: City Commission adopt the proposed resolution.

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.

    Aye (5)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Duncan-Walker, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (2)Commissioner Saco, and Mayor-Commissioner Pro Tem Ward
    Approved (5 to 0)





Commissioner Hayes-Santos: 1) Send letter to County Commission - South Main Street - part of 16th Avenue and Williston Road belongs to County. 2) Ask to adopt vision zero policies and add adaptive bike lanes. 

Commissioner Chestnut - GRU General Manager returns to the December 5, 2022 or January 5, 2023 meeting with a plan to address winter utility rates.

City Clerk - Look at County's system for call-ins and bring back December 15, 2022 or January 5, 2023 meeting.

Commissioner Duncan-Walker - Hit and run off East university Avenue with tragic killing of baby Dellon. Wants City Manger to speak to process to address the road situation and provide an update.
