City Commission Regular Meeting


City Hall Auditorium
200 East University Avenue
Gainesville, FL 32601
Members Present:
  • Mayor Ward, 
  • Commissioner Book, 
  • Commissioner Chestnut, 
  • Mayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker, 
  • Commissioner Eastman, 
  • Commissioner Saco, 
  • and Commissioner Willits 





Bishop Christopher Stokes, The New Beginning Christian Worship Center, Inc.

  • Heard


  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Motion: The City Commission adopt the regular and consent agenda.

    Aye (6)Commissioner Saco, Mayor Ward, Mayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker, Commissioner Eastman, Commissioner Book, and Commissioner Willits
    Absent (1)Commissioner Chestnut
    Approved (6 to 0)


  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman


    Recommendation: The City Commission approve the minutes from April 17, April 19, April 20, and April 24, 2023.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Recommendation: The City Commission: 1) award the contracts to Contractors Enterprises Inc. and Zaharaly Cleaners for opening and closing listed parks and cleaning park and facility restrooms, and 2) authorize the City Manager, or designee, to execute any related contracts, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Recommendation: The City Commission approve contract renewals for the listed GCRA housing programs as permitted by each contract.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Recommendation: The City Commission authorize the City Manager, or designee, to execute the USDA grant application for Multifamily Food Waste Pilot Program, grant award and any other necessary documents, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Recommendation: The City Commission to 1) approve the request for the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs (PRCA), Division of Cultural Affairs, to apply for the grant and for the City to accept the grant, if awarded, from the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the grant award agreement and other grant-related documents, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Recommendation: The City Commission to 1) approve the request for the Department of Parks, Recreation and Cultural Affairs (PRCA) to apply for the grant and the City to accept the grant, if awarded, from the Florida Department of State, Division of Arts and Culture, and 2) authorize the City Manager or designee to execute the grant award agreement and other grant-related documents, subject to approval by the City Attorney as to form and legality.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Recommendation: The City Commission appoint:
    - Sarah Erekson and Heather Kates to the Gainesville Community Reinvestment Area Advisory Board for terms ending on October 3, 2025.
    - Selena Fernandez to the student seat of the Public Recreation and Parks Board for a term ending on September 30, 2023.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Recommendation: The City Commission approve the removal of Jason Hurst from the City Plan Board and Kristyn Lopez from the Cultural Affairs Board, effective immediately.

    Approved On Consent
  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Recommendation: The City Commission accepts the resignation of Jackie Davis, effective immediately.

    Approved On Consent

Tana Silva

Cynthia Curry, City Manager introduced the item.

Paris Owens, Acting GPD Chief introduced the item. 

Presentation given by Jamie Kurnick, Police Chief Inspector.

Commissioner Chestnut arrived at 10:10 AM.

Public Comment: Donald Shepherd

  • Recommendation: The City Commission hear the quarterly update.

  • Moved byCommissioner Saco
    Seconded byCommissioner Book

    Recommendation: The City Commission appoint a member of the City Commission to represent the city at the annual meetings of elected officials regarding the coordination of land use and school facilities planning.

    Motion: Appoint Commissioner Eastman to the annual meetings of elected officials regarding coordination of land use and school facilities planning.

    Aye (7)Commissioner Saco, Mayor Ward, Mayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker, Commissioner Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, Commissioner Book, and Commissioner Willits
    Approved (7 to 0)
  • Recess - 11:57 AM

12:00-1:00 PM Lunch Break





Vivian Filer

  • Heard



Heather Mitterer, Assistant Director of Human Resources spoke to the item.

Commissioner Chestnut arrived at 1:19 PM.

  • Moved byCommissioner Willits
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Recommendation: The City Commission discuss and take action deemed necessary.

    Motion: Open internal search for the Interim City Clerk for 15 days.

    Aye (4)Commissioner Saco, Mayor Ward, Commissioner Eastman, and Commissioner Willits
    Nay (2)Mayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (1)Commissioner Book
    Approved (4 to 2)

Anthony Cunningham, General Manager for Utilities spoke to the item.

  • Moved byCommissioner Chestnut
    Seconded byMayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker

    Recommendation: The City Commission approve the resolution authorizing the establishment of a formula to determine the level of the Government Services Contribution from Gainesville Regional Utilities to the General Government General Fund.

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.

    Aye (6)Commissioner Saco, Mayor Ward, Mayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker, Commissioner Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, and Commissioner Willits
    Absent (1)Commissioner Book
    Approved (6 to 0)
  • Moved byCommissioner Eastman
    Seconded byCommissioner Saco

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.

    Aye (5)Commissioner Saco, Mayor Ward, Mayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker, Commissioner Chestnut, and Commissioner Eastman
    Nay (1)Commissioner Willits
    Absent (1)Commissioner Book
    Approved (5 to 1)
  • Moved byCommissioner Chestnut
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.

    Aye (6)Commissioner Saco, Mayor Ward, Mayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker, Commissioner Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, and Commissioner Willits
    Absent (1)Commissioner Book
    Approved (6 to 0)

Phil Mann, Special Advisor to the City Manager spoke to the item.

Brian Singleton, Director of Public Works spoke to the item.

Clay Sweger, EDA spoke to the item.

  • Moved byCommissioner Saco
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.

    Aye (6)Commissioner Saco, Mayor Ward, Mayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker, Commissioner Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, and Commissioner Willits
    Absent (1)Commissioner Book
    Approved (6 to 0)
  • Moved byCommissioner Chestnut
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.

    Aye (6)Commissioner Saco, Mayor Ward, Mayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker, Commissioner Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, and Commissioner Willits
    Absent (1)Commissioner Book
    Approved (6 to 0)

Brian Singleton, Director of Public Works spoke to the item.

Presentation given by Dave Conser, City Arborist.

Public Comment: Donald Shepherd

  • Moved byCommissioner Saco
    Seconded byCommissioner Eastman

    Recommendation: The City Commission adopt the proposed ordinance.

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.

    Aye (6)Commissioner Saco, Mayor Ward, Mayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker, Commissioner Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, and Commissioner Willits
    Absent (1)Commissioner Book
    Approved (6 to 0)



Commissioner Eastman: 1) Connecting Hogtown Creek from north to south. Wondering if property is on acquisition list?   Andrew Persons, Special Advisor to the City Manager spoke to the item. 2) Key to the City - wants to move forward with it and get next steps for restarting the program. Bring research back to regular meeting to be presented.

Commissioner Willits - Legal passed an anti-transgender bathroom bill. Daniel Nee, City Attorney spoke to the item.

Recess: 2:56 PM

4:30 - 5:30 PM Dinner Break





Eastside High School Navy JROTC

  • Recommendation: To be presented to Laila Fakhoury.



  • Recommendation: To be presented to Louis Mallory.




Cynthia Curry, City Manager introduced the item.

Phil Mann, Special Advisor to the City Manager spoke to the item.

Andrew Persons, Special Advisor to the City Manager spoke to the item.

Gerry Dedenbach, EDA spoke to the item.

Daniel Nee, City Attorney spoke to the item.

Public Comment: Jo Beaty

  • Moved byCommissioner Chestnut
    Seconded byCommissioner Saco

    Recommendation: The City Commission: 1) approve the contract for project management; and 2) authorize the City Manager, or their designee, to execute the contract subject to approval by the City Attorney, or designee, as to form and legality.

    Motion: Approve as Recommended.

    Aye (5)Commissioner Saco, Mayor Ward, Commissioner Chestnut, Commissioner Eastman, and Commissioner Willits
    Nay (2)Mayor Pro Tempore Duncan-Walker, and Commissioner Book
    Approved (5 to 2)



Commissioner Book - Law Enforcement Memorial Service started at 7:00 PM. He will be headed over there.