General Policy Committee Meeting


City Hall, Roberta Lisle Kline Conference Room (Room 16)
200 East University Ave
Gainesville, FL 32601
Members Present:
  • Mayor Poe, 
  • Commissioner Ward, 
  • Commissioner Arreola, 
  • Commissioner Hayes-Santos, 
  • Commissioner Chestnut, 
  • and Mayor Pro Tempore Saco 
Members Absent:
  • Commissioner Duncan-Walker 




  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Saco
    Seconded byCommissioner Hayes-Santos

    Motion: The General Policy Committee adopt the agenda.

    Aye (5)Mayor Pro Tempore Saco, Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (2)Commissioner Ward, and Commissioner Duncan-Walker
    Approved (5 to 0)



Dan Nee, Interim City Attorney, spoke to the Item.

Zeriah Folston, Interim Director of Diversity and Inclusion, spoke to the item.

Cynthia Curry, Interim City Manager, spoke to the item.

Commissioner Ward arrived at 1:07 PM.

Public Comment: Max Tipping, Kevin Scott, Leigh Scott, Danielle Changes, Sheila Payne, Tequila McKnight, Jon DeCarmine, Vicki Gervickas 

  • Moved byCommissioner Arreola
    Seconded byCommissioner Hayes-Santos

    Recommendation: The General Policy Committee decide whether to move forward with a Fair Chance Hiring Ordinance. Decide what/if any revisions to the draft ordinance need to be made.

    Motion: Bring back ordinance on first reading with modifications: 1) Minor language - re: applicable City Code and State Statutes; 2) Keep labor force (employee threshold) at 15; 3) Strike voluntary compliance; 4) Define arrests and criminal accusation in 14.5 - 180; and 5) Add that employers retain discretion whether an employee is suitable for job based on their criteria.

    Aye (6)Mayor Pro Tempore Saco, Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Ward, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (1)Commissioner Duncan-Walker
    Approved (6 to 0)

Mayor Pro Tempore Saco introduced Morgan Spicer, Interim Policy Oversight Administrator, who gave a presentation.

Public Comment: Gracia Fernandez

  • Moved byMayor Pro Tempore Saco
    Seconded byCommissioner Hayes-Santos

    Recommendation: The General Policy Committee hear a presentation from staff and discuss.

    Motion: Staff implement program to offer free sanitary products in all public restrooms.

    Aye (6)Mayor Pro Tempore Saco, Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Commissioner Ward, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Absent (1)Commissioner Duncan-Walker
    Approved (6 to 0)

Cynthia Curry, Interim City Manager, spoke to the item.

Corey Harris, Housing and Community Development Director, spoke to the item.

Juan Castillo, Planner, gave a presentation.

Andrew Persons, Special Advisor for Sustainable and Equitable Economic Development, spoke to the item.

Public Comment: Tana Silva, Kali Blount

  • Moved byCommissioner Arreola
    Seconded byCommissioner Hayes-Santos

    Recommendation: The General Policy Committee review and provide feedback as necessary regarding the Affordable Housing Work Plan update

    Motion: 1) Increase densities within the U-4 to DT transect zoning districts consistent with the Commissioner’s proposal contained in the added backup: 2) Amend the Historic District compatibility criteria to provide flexibility for projects providing the mandatory Inclusionary Zoning units built onsite (vs. fee-in-lieu) consistent with the Commissioner’s proposal contained in the added backup including waiving the 6 unit per building limit for said projects; 3) Hold additional public workshops and include the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee in the public outreach/information effort; 4) Staff to evaluate approach for accounting for additional mandatory fees like valet garbage charged to residents; and 5) Staff to work towards goal of having a second reading of Inclusionary Zoning ordinance before the end of the year.

    Aye (4)Commissioner Hayes-Santos, Commissioner Arreola, Mayor Poe, and Commissioner Chestnut
    Nay (1)Commissioner Ward
    Absent (2)Mayor Pro Tempore Saco, and Commissioner Duncan-Walker
    Approved (4 to 1)

Cynthia Curry, Interim City Manager, introduced Jon DeCarmine, Executive Director, Grace Marketplace, who spoke to the item.

Public Comment: Vian Guinyard, Kali Blount

Mayor Pro Tempore Saco left the meeting at 3:52 PM.

  • The General Policy Committee hear an update on the status of the subrecipient agreements and funding distribution.




Tana Silva



Commissioner Chestnut - Downtown Parking: Concerned that Hyatt has reserved valet parking for 10 minutes but it's being used for long-term parking. Other owners feel slighted because they don't have it. Cynthia Curry spoke to the item. No agreements with the City for Hyatt or Hampton Inn, so cones have been confiscated. Andrew Persons, Advisor to Charter Officer spoke to the item.



October 27, 2022


No Item Selected